Sweden Water Expo

New exhibition and meeting place for the VA industry at Stockholmsmässan

Welcome to Sweden Water Expo
on 16–17 September 2026

Half of Sweden’s population lives in Stockholm and Mälardalen, and growth is expected to continue at a rapid pace. Being able to deliver a robust and reliable water and sewage infrastructure in the region will be a key to sustainable and safe development. Future new and reinvestments in the VA networks are therefore expected to be extensive, while community building needs to involve many different actors. To meet the needs, Stockholmsmässan is now launching Sweden Water Expo, a new regional and industry-wide trade fair and meeting place for the VA sector, which will have its premiere on 16-17 September 2026.

There is great interest in the venture, which is supported by several important stakeholders. First to be presented as a partner is Stockholm Vatten och Avfall, the country’s leading VA company, which welcomes the investment in a new meeting place in Stockholm and Mälardalen.

The investment need in municipal water and sewage facilities amounts to more than SEK 500 billion until the year 2040 (Source: Svenskt Vatten). Of the breathtaking sum, more than half is estimated to be needed for reinvestment in aged water and treatment plants as well as worn and damaged pipes. Extensive investments need to be made in the country’s fast-growing regions.

– The region faces major future investments in the water and sewage networks, which need to go hand in hand with competence development and innovations. Stockholm is the country’s largest VA market and with our natural proximity to decision-makers and authority figures regionally and nationally, we are convinced that Sweden Water Expo will give exhibitors great commercial impact. Among other things, the initiative has been preceded by interviews with more than 100 Swedish VA managers who express their strong support for a meeting place in Stockholm, says Magnus Eriksson, business area manager B2B Stockholmsmässan.

– Stockholmsmässan has been an established organizer of trade fairs in the civil engineering sector for decades. For example, in just a couple of weeks we will open the doors to Nordbygg, the Nordic region’s leading meeting place for the construction and property industry, for the 22nd time. With Sweden Water Expo, we now have the joy of getting to know a new and natural target group, but above all the chance to deliver a sustainable meeting place that moves people, companies and society forward, completely in line with our strategy, says Staffan Ingvarsson, CEO Stockholmsmässan.


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